UCF Admissions Webinar: Q&A Recap
Additional Q & A from Elizabeth's Conversation
I’ve been accepted for admission this summer and wonder if it’s possible to transfer to fall instead of taking online courses.
For Summer 2020 and Fall 2020, admitted students who wish to be considered for a different term should send an email including the reasons they are requesting the change to admission@ucf.edu. They will be notified if the change is approved within 1-2 weeks.
What percentage of your classes are offered online in “normal” times?
For Fall 2019, 30.4% of our course sections were offered via the world wide web, mixed mode/reduced seat time, or Video Streaming.
Are there any classes that students HAVE to take online?
It varies by college and major.
How many undergraduates are on the main campus? What about the other campuses?
In Fall 2019, there were 59,485 undergraduates at UCF.
What kind of scholarships are available for out-of-state students?
For more information on our merit based scholarships go here..
What kind of merit and talent based scholarships are available?
For more information on our merit based scholarships go here. For information on talent based scholarships, visit the specific website for the discipline you are interested in.
What factors are most important in your admissions decisions? What is the relative weight of each of those factors?
The student’s academic credentials are the most important factors in the admission decision (GPA, SAT/ACT, rigor of course work, rank in class, etc). The GPA and rigor of courses are the most important factors.
How does UCF recalculate GPA? Is it weighted? How much? Which courses are included?
We recalculate the GPA by looking at the academic core courses only. We add weight for AP/IB/DE/AICE (1 point) and Honors (.5 point). Academic core = English, Math, Natural Science, Social Science and Foreign Language.
Are both the SAT & ACT required?
For FTIC applicants we require either the SAT or the ACT. We have no preference which test a student provides and many applicants submit both.
What adjustments might be made for students who were planning to apply in September but haven't had the opportunity to take enough SAT or ACT tests due to Covid?
At this time, UCF requires the SAT/ACT (as do all Florida SUS institutions). We operate on rolling admission. We do not require a complete application file at the time of application so we would encourage students to submit their application and indicate their future test dates on the application. We would then wait for the scores to be received before sending the file to the Admissions Committee.
Do you think your mid-50% SAT and ACT scores will be lower next year due to the pandemic?
The majority of our class was offered admission prior to the impact of Covid-19. Although our midranges may be slightly higher or slightly lower than in previous years, we do not expect a dramatic change.
Do you think the SAT/ACT requirement score would change due to the decreased frequency of test-taking (due test cancellations) and the ability to superscore fewer tests?
I wouldn’t anticipate a change.
What TOEFL score is required for international students?
We require an 80 TOEFL. We offer a number of options to meet English proficiency. For more information please visit here.
Does UCF legacy play a role in your admission decisions for Florida residents or out-of-staters? Does it help if both parents went to UCF? Or even if they both went to other state universities in Florida?
Students are considered for admission primarily based upon their academic credentials. Although we ask if a student’s parents or siblings attend or attended UCF on the application, it is not a primary factor when reviewing a student for admission.
Does a student apply directly to a college and major? Are majors like engineering and business treated any differently in admissions?
While students indicate their intended major on their application, admission to UCF is to the university and not to a specific college or department. Admission to UCF does not guarantee admission to any particular program.
Is there a pre-law program in which a student can major? If not, what are some common areas of study that UCF students choose in order to become lawyers?
Pre-Professional Programs (i.e. pre-law, pre-med, pre-health, etc) are advising programs. Student can major in any degree program we offer and work with our Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising office, which you can visit here.
Can you share any statistics for students admitted to the Burnett Medical Scholars Program?
For complete information on the Burnett Medical Scholars program visit their website here.
I know this is also a huge unknown, but is UCF or the SUS already discussing the possibility of opening online for the fall? When do you think a decision will be made about the fall?
Due to the ever-changing factors surrounding Covid-19, it is too early for decisions about fall to be made. As soon as a determination is made, we will communicate it widely.
If student receives an F in any dual enrollment classes or has a post-secondary GPA less than 2.0, does that disqualify the student for admission to UCF?
University policy dictates that students must have at least a 2.0 in their college-level work. Occasionally an exception may be made to this policy but all other aspects of the student’s academic record must be extremely strong.
How can I find out if my dual enrollment classes will be transferred in? I’m a junior at The Kings Academy.
College-level courses taken at regionally-accredited institutions will transfer to UCF. UCF also awards transfer credit for select courses at non-regionally accredited institutions that are part of the Statewide Course Numbering System.
I have credits from Broward College from my dual enrollment, and I also have credits from George Mason University from a medical program I did last summer. Can I transfer in all my credits from both institutions, and what’s the maximum number of credits that can be transferred?
UCF does not limit the number of transfer credit hours accepted. College-level courses taken at regionally-accredited institutions will transfer to UCF. Be aware some transfer credit hours may transfer into UCF as elective credit and may not meet specific degree requirements.
With high schools doing distance learning, will students’ grades be evaluated differently by the colleges or not taken into consideration in the same way? For example will UCF and other colleges be more focused on grades up through only first semester of the 2019-2020 school year?
Speaking only for UCF, we expect students to complete their last semester of high school at the same level they completed their previous course work. We understand that this year is dramatically different from years in the past. We are committed to working with students on a case-by-case basis, however, we encourage students to complete their senior year as strongly as possible.
Do you think that Covid-19 will impact your waitlist process?
Possibly but at this time it is too early to tell.
Do you allow students to defer their admission to the following year? Will you limit how many are allowed to do that so it won’t take spots away from the students applying for 2021?
UCF does not defer admission. Students who are admitted and chose to not attend for whatever reason must reapply for any future term. Admission for one term does not guarantee admission for any future term.