How to get off the waitlist

Waitlist - Score At The Top 

If you are trying to get off a waitlist, here’s some advice to improve your chances… Colleges do not rank-order the students on the waitlist. Rather, they fill the gaps left by not getting enough positive responses from the students they have admitted. So here’s where your demonstrated interest can play an important role.

  • Send a handwritten letter to the person who signed your wait-list letter reaffirming your desire to attend that college — and why (at least 2-3 good reasons!) — as well as ways in which you feel you could contribute to the campus culture.
  • Also share any new or special information about you that the college doesn’t already have. If you have won an award or received a major distinction that you feel will strengthen your candidacy, by all means include it.
  • An additional letter of recommendation would also help.
  • You should certainly make sure that your high school sends the college official transcripts of grades earned since the time you filed your application and that the university has your best SAT or ACT scores.
  • You can also ask your counselor at school to call the college to advocate for you. 

And, meanwhile, make a commitment to another college to secure your place!

Judi Robinovitz

Judi Robinovitz is a Certified Educational Planner with more than 30 years of experience in education. Specializing in educational counseling, she is the author of numerous books, articles, and software on test preparation and college planning. Judi has been a featured speaker at national educational conferences and schools. To keep pace with current educational trends, Judi continually travels across America to assess colleges, boarding schools, and therapeutic boarding schools and wilderness programs.


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