Covid-19 Has Infected the Coalition Application!
In our recent blog, Covid-19 Has Infected the Common App!, we discussed the Common App’s Covid-19 essay prompt. Since then, the Coalition App released its own Covid-19 essay prompt:
Natural disasters and emergency situations like COVID-19 pandemic have impacted the lives of many students and their families. While entirely optional, you may share information here regarding how any of these events have affected you or your family circumstances. Please provide any additional information you would like to share regarding how these events have affected you or your family. (300 words, maximum)
The Coalition App’s Covid-19 prompt has a higher maximum number of words – 300, versus 250 for the Common App’s prompt. Both are optional and essentially identical in what they seek to elicit. Therefore, the strategies we discussed for deciding whether or not to respond to the Common App’s Covid-19 prompt, and whether or not to write about Covid-19 in that app’s Personal Statement/Essay space, hold equally for the Coalition App.