Change to FSU Admissions for Entry in Summer/Fall 2023
Because FSU applications have increased 169% since 2016, the university is changing its current admissions processes to help meet the enrollment goal of 6,200 freshmen. If you are planning to apply to FSU in fall 2022, please note these changes:
You will be considered only for the term for which you applied – summer or fall. Historically, students who applied for fall were automatically considered for summer if they didn’t meet FSU’s fall accepted student profile. That is no longer the case.
FSU is rolling out a new Early Action (EA) deadline of October 15, 2022, for Florida residents only. If you meet this deadline (submitting your application, SSAR, and self-reported test scores), you will receive one of these three decisions on December 15: admit, deny, or defer.
If you miss the October 15 deadline, or you are an out-of-state student, you may apply for Regular Decision (RD) by December 1 to receive an admit, deny, or defer a decision on February 15, 2023. You must have also submitted your SSAR and self-reported scores by December 1.
If you are deferred in the October (EA) or December (RD) rounds, you’ll have an opportunity to indicate your continued interest in FSU on a form in the applicant portal. Your application will be reconsidered, and the admission decision will be one of these three
Admit (fall/summer)
If you missed the EA or RD deadlines, you may apply for Rolling Admission by March 1, 2023, to receive a decision in April. Your SSAR and self-reported scores must also be submitted by March 1. In addition to the admit, deny, or Pathways decisions, students applying for Rolling Admission may also receive a waitlist decision.
Additional self-reported scores received after your deadline will be considered if received by December 1 for EA, January 1 for Regular Decision, and March 1 for Rolling.
FSU plans to enroll in a smaller class in 2023; thus, the summer and fall accepted student profiles may be higher than in previous years.
Summer term dates: June 26-August 4, 2023. Students starting in summer automatically continue into the fall term beginning August 28.
Admitted Students
Mid 50%
Fall 2022
Summer 2022
Pathways ‘22
In addition, 79% of students admitted for fall 2022 earned all A’s and B’s in high school, 56% took calculus or above, and 40% took 4+ years (or AP/IB) world language. The average number of AP/IB/AICE/DE courses = 9**.
* GPA is recalculated: includes only core academic classes; weighted: ½ point added for Honors; 1 point added for AP, IB, AICE & DE.
** reflects the average number of AP/IB/AICE/DE courses for students entering in 2021 because 2022 data are not yet available.