Are you applying to UF, FSU, or UCF?
All three applications are scheduled to be available online by early August, but the essay questions for UF and FSU may not be the same as last year’s.
The admission deadline is November 1, which you MUST meet – or you will significantly lessen your chances for admission.
Rather than sending an official transcript when you apply, you’ll complete and submit a SSAR (Self-Reported Student Academic Report) ― by December 1 ― with all your high-school courses and grades. You can access the SSAR by clicking here. Send your official transcript only if you’re accepted and plan to attend UF. Your housing application (and fee) should be submitted as soon as possible because housing is limited. The deadline for receipt of your official SAT or ACT score report is December 31, but it’s advisable to have it sent from or as early as possible. Admission decisions will be announced on February 13 for students who met the November 1 application deadline.
The application deadlines are March 1 for summer admission, and May 1 for fall admission. However, UCF offers “rolling admission,” which means that the admissions staff will review an application soon after all the pieces have been received: application, fee, official transcript, and official score report. The earlier you submit your application, the better your chances for admission, and the earlier you’ll get your admission decision. The admissions staff will begin reviewing applications in the early fall. UCF’s application essay questions are not changing, and you can start working on them now.
However, the university considers these questions to be “guidelines,” and it’s fine to write about something else that give the admissions staff more insight into who you are.
You must submit the online application as well as an official SAT or ACT score report through or by the first deadline date of October 15 in order to maximize your chances for admission. Decisions will be announced on December 9. Yes, there is a second deadline; it’s January 13, and those decisions will be announced on March 16. However, it’s more difficult to get in if you apply during this second round. by October 15. You may send an updated official score report after October 1, but you will not be considered in the first round of admission decisions if you have not submitted an official score report by the October deadline.
The January SAT and February ACT are the latest tests that FSU will use in the admission process.
Like the UF application process, rather than sending an official transcript when you apply, you’ll complete and submit a SSAR (Self-Reported Student Academic Report) with all your high-school courses and grades. FSU recommends submitting the SSAR before you submit your application for admission. Send your official transcript only if you’re accepted and plan to attend FSU. You can access the SSAR by clicking here.